Holders of long-term Irish government bonds

This dataset details monthly holdings by sector of all Irish Government bonds that have a maturity of greater than one year.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Holders of long-term Irish government bonds
Description This dataset details monthly holdings by sector of all Irish Government bonds that have a maturity of greater than one year.
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format
Geographic coverage
Spatial URI
Vertical Extent
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS)
    Spatial Resolution(s)
    Contact Person
    Contact Person Email IE_SHS@centralbank.ie
    Contact Person Telephone
    Update frequency Monthly
    Date dataset released
    Date dataset updated
    Period of time covered (begin) 1969-01-01
    Period of time covered (end)
    OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers
    Landing Page https://www.centralbank.ie/statistics/data-and-analysis/securities-statistics/holdings-of-long-term-irish-government-bonds
    Rights notes
    Dataset conforms to these standards
    Provenance information
    Language English
    Expiration Date
    Theme Financial Markets & Interest Rates