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Template on International reserves

The data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity provides a detailed overview of the Irish international reserves and other foreign currency assets and potential and predetermined short-term foreign currency inflows and net drains . The data are disseminated monthly, and in accordance to an internationally standardised template established by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).Reserve assets comprise highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy claims held by the Central Bank of Ireland on non-euro residents that are denominated in foreign currencies (not in euro). Other foreign currency assets include foreign currency-denominated claims on euro area residents. Reserve-related liabilities are predetermined and contingent short-term net drains on the Eurosystem. Reserve assets are compiled on a gross basis without netting of reserve-related liabilities.

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Field Value
Title Template on International reserves
Description The data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity provides a detailed overview of the Irish international reserves and other foreign currency assets and potential and predetermined short-term foreign currency inflows and net drains . The data are disseminated monthly, and in accordance to an internationally standardised template established by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).Reserve assets comprise highly liquid, marketable and creditworthy claims held by the Central Bank of Ireland on non-euro residents that are denominated in foreign currencies (not in euro). Other foreign currency assets include foreign currency-denominated claims on euro area residents. Reserve-related liabilities are predetermined and contingent short-term net drains on the Eurosystem. Reserve assets are compiled on a gross basis without netting of reserve-related liabilities.
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format
Geographic coverage
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Vertical Extent
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS)
    Spatial Resolution(s)
    Contact Person
    Contact Person Email
    Contact Person Telephone
    Update frequency Monthly
    Date dataset released
    Date dataset updated
    Period of time covered (begin) 2013-01-31
    Period of time covered (end)
    OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers
    Landing Page
    Rights notes
    Dataset conforms to these standards
    Provenance information
    Language English
    Expiration Date
    Theme National Central Bank Statistics