Monthly Card Payment Statistics
Payment StatisticsThe monthly card payment statistics provide data in relation to credit and debit card transactions undertaken by Irish resident households. The data includes the monthly value... -
Gross National Debt
Macroeconomic & Sectoral StatisticsThe table relates to Gross National Debt (GND) only, providing a breakdown of the outstanding debt amounts into euro-denominated and non-euro denominated debt items as well as a... -
Insurance Corporation Balance Sheet Data
Financial CorporationsBalance sheet (assets and liabilities) data for insurance corporations resident in Ireland (ESA 2010 sector S128). -
Payment Statistics 2021
Payment StatisticsPayment statistics presents information on payment transactions between Irish resident payment service providers and non-MFIs (monetary financial institutions) . The data... -
Credit Card Statistics
Payment StatisticsThe Credit Card Statistics provide data in relation to monthly credit card transactions. A breakdown of the number of credit cards issued to Irish residents is also provided. -
Card Payments
Payment StatisticsCard Payments by Irish Households. The Credit and Debit Card Statistics provide data in relation to credit and debit card transactions, including a sectoral breakdown of... -
Daily Credit and Debit Card Statistics
Payment StatisticsDaily Card Payments by Irish Households. A subset of the monthly Card Payment Statistics. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic created the need for timely, high-frequency data,... -
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Quarterly Financial Accounts
Macroeconomic & Sectoral StatisticsThe Quarterly Financial Accounts (QFA) present a complete and consistent set of quarterly financial data for all sectors of the Irish economy. They provide comprehensive... -
Template on International Reserves
Our Central Bank StatisticsThe data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity provides a detailed overview of the Irish international reserves and other foreign currency assets and... -
Official External Reserves
Our Central Bank StatisticsThe Official External Reserves (OER) dataset provides monthly information on the outstanding amounts under Reserve Assets. These assets by category are: monetary gold, Special... -
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Retail Interest Rates and Volumes - Loans and Deposits, New Business
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.2.1 provides monthly data on new euro-denominated deposit and loan agreements between euro area households or NFCs and credit institutions resident in Ireland. -
Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossession Statistics-123
Financial Markets & Interest RatesThe Residential Mortgage Arrears and Repossessions Statistics detail quarterly developments in the number and value of mortgages in arrears, restructured mortgages, in legal... -
Retail Interest Rates - Deposits, Outstanding Amounts
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTables B.1.1 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding deposits from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions... -
Retail Interest Rates - Loans, Outstanding Amounts
Financial Markets & Interest RatesTable B.1.2 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding loans from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions resident in...